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If this is your first time here, I would like to help you to get familiar with Smart Rock Climbing’s website.


New to climbing?

I am so excited for those of you who are new to rock climbing. You are about to begin a thrilling journey that is healthy, fun, and challenging. On this website, you can find videos that will show you the fundamentals of rock climbing so that you know that you are doing everything you can to be safe. To get you started, check out the 45 minute Intro to Outdoor Climbing Playlist:

Looking for the right piece of Gear?

If you are looking for the right piece of equipment to get for your next trek, we can help you out. We have made a couple videos and shopping lists that will help you understand what you will need so that you can get out on the rock. Here’s some of the shopping lists:

In the future, we will also be offering reviews on different types of gear, to help you choose the right items for your needs.


We appreciate that you have stopped by to visit. Your opinions and questions about climbing are valuable to us. Please feel free to get social through Facebook, YouTube and Google+ and contact me personally at if you  want to say “hi” or share any questions or comments that you might have.

Your  input will help to grow this site to help climbers of all experience types get the trained to climb, from the ground up.

I would also love to stay connected to you through my email list. This is an easy way for you to stay updated. Feel free to sign up below.

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